Working together for a better community

The flag at the front entrance is dedicated to Russ Barnes.

My family and I moved to LBO in 1994.  Easter weekend . We loved the sense of community here, the beautiful trees, (many of them missing today), as well as beautiful homes neatly maintained. 

So what are the makings of a successful community? 

There are several components but here are three important ones : 
1 - Participation 
2 - Relationships 
3 - Empathy 

Being community means connecting , contributing, collaborating, committing and cultivating a culture that transforms residents into passionate advocates and active members. Working together towards common goals brings people together. At LBO we see many of these key components that have made this small neighborhood a lovely little place to live.

Let’s continue to work together to build and maintain a strong and healthy community! 

Lucy Barnes
Lake Bosse HOA Vice President


Pancake Breakfast and Corn Horn Tournament


Get Involved with Your LBO Community!