Get Involved with Your LBO Community!
Lake Bosse Oaks has a rich history of events that bring our community together.
The Holiday Block Party and Light Up LBO is a highlight of the year for us all. It’s a joy to walk around enjoying the lights, greeting neighbors, and enjoying the hospitality offered. When friends from outside the neighborhood join us for this event, I often hear them say “Wow! You have the BEST neighborhood!” or “I’ve never seen anything like this!” And it’s true! We are unique!
The rest of the year, we celebrate our uniqueness by decorating our mailboxes, coming together for Wine Downs or pancake breakfasts, chalking up our driveways, hiding elves, or cheering on the kids (and adults!) at the 4th of July Bike Parade.
Behind the scenes of all these events, is a small, dedicated group of neighbors led by Debi Walter. That’s the good news! The not-so-great news? We need more volunteers to assist with planning and executing all these wonderful events! Would you love to gather with other adults from LBO for a wine/scotch/appetizer party? Or, might you want to help plan the 4th of July events for the children of the neighborhood? Maybe you have a new idea that would help celebrate our community in new ways!
If events aren’t your “thing”, maybe you’d like to volunteer to plant flowers at the front entrance a couple of times a year. Or, if you like to decorate, we could use your help putting up holiday decorations at both entrances several times a year.
In the past few years, many LBO neighbors have gotten involved with the People of Lockhart. (Here’s a big shout-out to Lindsey Smestad and Lucy Barnes for taking on officer positions with POL!) POL works every month cleaning up Lockhart, increasing our property values and making us safer. The importance of their work cannot be overstated. Would you be willing to pick up trash once a month, paint a fence, or weed a garden? POL needs our help!
We have a dedicated group of volunteers who make up the LBO Board of Directors, but they can’t do it all. If you have just a few extra hours a month to improve our community, we would love to connect you with a project that would bring you joy! And best of all, you’ll make some new friends along the way!
To get involved, email Julie at Mention your areas of interest: events, garden club, POL, or other!